

Breast Prosthesis,Custom Made Compression Hose, Surgical Brassieres, Wigs
Reasonable and Customary expenses
Maximum of one every 4 years

Reasonable and Customary

Means the amount usually charged for treatment, services or supplies to provide an appropriate level of care given the severity of the condition being treated, in the geographical location where the treatment, services or supplies are being provided.

Charges for the rental of or, at the option of Insurance Company, the purchase of durable medical equipment of the type and model adequate for the insured person’s medical needs based on the nature and severity of the disability, such as but not limited to:

  • Hospital beds, wheelchairs, canes, crutches, walkers and trusses;
  • Rigid or semi-rigid braces for back, neck, arm or leg and non-dental prosthesis, such as artificial limbs and eyes, a surgical corset, including replacement if required because of a change in physical condition;
  • Respiratory equipment, including oxygen;
  • Splints, casts, catheters, and hypodermic needles;
  • Plasma, blood or blood substances;
  • Breast prosthesis;
  • Purchase of surgical brassieres when required following a mastectomy;
  • Custom made Compression Hose, excluding elastic stockings;
  • Wigs; and
  • Glucometer.

Not eligible are items of personal comfort, convenience, exercise, safety, self-help or environmental control items, or items which may also be used for non-medical reasons, such as, but not limited to heating pads or lamps, communication aids, air conditioners or cleaners, and whirlpool baths or saunas.

Before incurring any major expenses you are encouraged to submit details to the Claims Office to determine to what extent benefits are payable. In any event, a letter will be required from a licensed physician describing the nature of the disability and the type, medical need and estimated duration of any required durable medical equipment.

Note: The Ontario Assistive Devices Program may provide partial reimbursement for certain expenses listed above, e.g. prosthetic devices, respiratory equipment, hearing aids, wheelchairs, hospital beds, etc. Further information regarding this program may be obtained by calling 1-800-268-6021.

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