
This Trust Fund has been designed to help you meet the cost of disease or injury. Since it is not intended that you receive benefits greater than the actual expenses incurred, any health care coverage you have under other “plans” will be taken into account in determining the amount of benefit payable under this Trust Fund, that is, the benefits under this Trust Fund will be coordinated with the benefits of the other plans.

Plan means any contract of group insurance or other arrangement for members of a group (whether on an insured basis or not), prepaid health care coverage, or student accident insurance.

Specifically, this Trust Fund will pay either its regular benefits in full, or a reduced amount which, when added to the benefits available under the other plan, or plans, will equal 100% of “allowable expenses”.

Allowable expense means any necessary, Reasonable and Customary expense, incurred while eligible for benefits under this Trust Fund, part or all of which would be payable under any of the plans, but not any expenses contained in the list of Exclusions.

The manner in which this is done determines which plan pays first (and thus where to submit the claim first) and which plan(s) pays next. The plan that does not have a co-ordination of benefits provision pays before the plan that does (most, if not all, insurance company plans have such a provision).

For any person who is covered under more than one plan, benefits will be payable first under the plan where he is the insured member and secondarily where he is covered as a dependent.

Dependent children are covered first by the parent whose birthday comes first in the year, and any unpaid balance can then be submitted to the other parent’s plan.

If priority cannot be established in the above manner, the benefits shall be pro-rated between or amongst the plans in proportion to the amounts that would have been paid under each plan had there been coverage by just that plan.

To implement this provision, the Trust Fund and the insurer may:

  • Subject to the consent of the covered person, if required by law, obtain from or release to any other person, corporation or organization any information deemed to be needed; or
  • Pay to or recover from any person, corporation or organization any excess payment; any payment so made will be deemed to be benefits paid and, to the extent of such payments, will fully discharge the Trust Fund and the insurer from all liability under this benefit.
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