
Drug Coverage Prescription Drug Card

  • Drugs legally requiring a prescription: 100% with a & 6.50 dispensing fee Maximum

Drugs and medicines including injectibles which are medically necessary, legally require a written prescription from a physician in order to be purchased, and are dispensed by a licensed pharmacist, or physician legally authorized to dispense such drugs, plus drugs that regardless of their legal status are not normally sold except by prescription. These drugs must be prescriptive, restrictive, controlled or narcotic in nature. Included are oral contraceptives and substances used for injections. In an effort to contain costs, it is requested that generic drug substitutes be used whenever possible.

Not eligible for reimbursement

 Any drug not approved by the Food and Drugs Act, Canada. Any drug, biologic and related preparations which are intended to be administered in hospital on an in-patient or out-patient basis, and are not intended for a patient’s use at home. Proprietary or patent medicines (off-the-shelf preparations), dietary or health food, Nicorettes and similar anti-smoking related prescriptions, etc, drugs used for the treatment of a sexual dysfunction, fertility drugs, unless prescribed for other than fertility purposes, nutritional products and charges for the administration of drugs, whether or not a prescription is given for medical reasons. For those members over age 65, the Trust Fund will not cover any drug covered by the Drug Benefit (ODB).

The maximum single purchase of drugs that will be considered is the amount that can reasonably be used within 90 days of the date of purchase.

Note: The Trustees reserve the right to modify the drug formularies and definition at any time in the future, in order to deliver the benefit in a contemporary fashion.

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