
Maintaining Coverage

Your benefit coverage remains in force for every month your Dollar Bank account holds at least one monthly deduction.

Direct Payments (Under Age 65)

In the event of lay-off or termination of employment, you may continue your insurance by making your own contributions directly to the Trust Fund. You may remit direct payments for up to 6 months at any one time. You must take advantage of the Direct Payment option when you first become eligible to do so.

All benefits may be continued by the Direct Pay method described above except for the Weekly Wage Replacement Income and Long Term Disability benefits.

Fund Assistance (Under Age 65)

In the event that a member becomes disabled and is unable to work, their hour bank will be frozen, and benefit coverage will be maintained by the Trust Fund for up to 12 months, providing they are in receipt of Weekly Wage Replacement Income, Long Term Disability, *Workplace Safety & Insurance, or  *Motor Vehicle Insurance Disability.

Following a period of Fund Assistance if they remain totally and permanently disabled, they will continue to receive Fund Assistance to the earlier age 65 or until they start to receive a Pension or Disability Pension. To be deemed totally and permanently disabled the member must be receiving CPP Disability Benefits and be approved for Waiver of Premium of his Life Insurance.

If the member continues to be disabled but not approved for Waiver of Premium and  not receiving CPP Disability Benefits, the member may exhaust their hour bank to provide benefit coverage. Should they still continue to be disabled, they are eligible to remit direct payment for a further 12 months, or to age 65 if earlier, provided they continue to be in receipt of one of the following benefits:

a)      Long Term Disability benefits, or;

b)      *WSIB benefits or;

c)       *Motor Vehicle Insurance disability benefits

*Proof of acceptance and monthly benefit payments for their Workplace Safety & Insurance, or Motor Vehicle Insurance claim must be submitted to the Administrator. 

Note: The Direct Payment and Fund Assistance Provisions cease upon your attainment of age 65.

Termination of Coverage

Your insurance will cease as follows:
  • The date the Group Master Policy is cancelled or terminated, or
  • The last day of the month in which your Dollar Bank does not contain a full monthly deduction, or
  • The date your retire, or
  • The last day of any month in which you have made the maximum number of contributions under the “DIRECT PAYMENTS” option, but not beyond your attainment of age 65, or
  • The last day of any month in which you have exhausted the benefit extensions provided under the “FUND ASSISTANCE” provision, but not beyond your attainment of age 65, or
  • The first of the month following the month in which you attain the benefit age limit which may be set out in the applicable section of this website, or
  • The date you cease to be in a class of persons who may be insured under this policy.

On termination of your coverage you may have the option to convert a portion of your Life Insurance coverage to an individual Life Insurance Policy. See Conversion Privilege in Life Insurance section of this website.

In the event that you are disabled, or if you die, some benefits may be extended to you or your dependents. Please refer to the specific benefit description sections of this website. Coverage for your dependents will terminate on the date such dependent ceases to meet the dependent eligibility requirements.

Reinstatement of Coverage

Your coverage will be reinstated after a period of termination when you have accumulated two monthly deductions in your Dollar Bank. Your coverage is effective on the first day of the second month following that accumulation.

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