
Claim forms may be obtained from the Trust Fund’s Administrative Agent. Before submitting the claim form, ensure that all questions have been answered and that you have clearly identified yourself by full name, return mailing address and Local Union. If the claim is for your Dependent, provide the Dependent’s first name, date of birth and relationship to you.

When you are sure that all of the above has been completed, forward the form and receipts, if applicable, to the Administrative Agent. If the claim is for the Hospital Cash Benefit a copy of your Discharge Summary from the Hospital will be required.

Proof of Loss: Written notice of injury for which a claim under LAMP is made must be submitted to the Insurer, in care of the Trust Fund’s Administrative Agent, Benefit Plan Administrators Limited, within 30 days after the occurrence or commencement of any loss covered by the policy. Proof of such injury must be given to Insurer within 90 days of the loss. Failure to give notice of proof shall not invalidate nor reduce any claim if it is shown that notice of proof was given as soon as reasonably possible.

Forms & Brochures