
Claim Forms

Before submitting the claim form, ensure that all questions have been answered and that you have signed your name and clearly identified yourself by full name, return mailing address, your employer, and your Union. Faulty or missing information will only result in a delay in processing your claim.

If the claim is for your Dependent, provide the Dependent’s first name, date of birth and relationship to you.

Claim Form You may print out a claim form here claim form Ontario Teamster Construction Dental Claim form.
You can also contact BPA Claims Department (see box below) to obtain a copy of the form.

Your dentist’s office will have a supply of generic dental claim forms that are also acceptable. Please note that an original claim form signed by your dentist must be mailed to the Claims Office. Electronic submission of claims is not allowed.

When you are sure that all of the above has been completed, forward the form to the BPA Claims Office(see box below).

Your benefit cheque will be mailed directly to you, or if you wish you may assign benefits to be paid directly to your dentist..

Original, signed claim forms must be mailed to the BPA Claims office at:

Mailing Address
Attn: Claims Department
P.O. Box 3071, Station A
Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3A4

Covered Services

Covered services are Plan specific. Please refer to the Dental Care section of this website for a list of your covered services. You may also contact BPA for a benefit booklet which will outline your coverage. You can call the Claims Department at 905-275-6466 or toll free at 1-800-867-5615 for any information that you require.

Proof of Loss
Written proof stating the occurrence, character and extent of loss must be submitted for each benefit to the Administrative Agent within 12 months after the date of the loss, but not more than 3 months after the date coverage terminates, for Dental Care Benefits
Forms & Brochures